【同义词辨析】 2019-05-20 松弛loose-lax

loose: is widely referable to persons or things free from a usual or former restraint: a book with a ~ page; or to something not firmly or tightly held or connected between points of contact: drive with ~ reigns; or to a substances or fabric with particles or filaments in open arrangement: a ~- woven woolen. substance泛指物质东西如固体粉末液体气体等,具有属性a substance is a solid, powder, liquid, or gas with particular properties,如sound travels with different velocities through different substances声音在不同的物质中传播速度不同) (fabric两个意思,1布料织布cloth or other material produced by weaving cotton, silk, nylon,如cotton/furnishing fabric棉/装饰布料, 如whatever your colour scheme, there's a fabric to match无论你用什么色彩图案,都有与之相配的布料;2 建筑或社会的基本结构basic structure of a building such as walls, roofs, and materials or the basic structure of society such as beliefs and customs,如this trend threatens the very fabric of our society这种趋势威胁着我们社会的基本结构,如the extreme climate caused the fabric of the building to rot away极端气候使建筑结构发生腐蚀)   (filament丝a long and thin piece of something like a thread,如a glass/metal filaments玻璃/金属) arrangement布局

relaxed: implies a loss of some tightness, tension, strictness, or rigidity; it may also imply an easing of rather than a freeing from what restrains: the ~ discipline of the last few days of school.

slack: otherwise close to relaxed, may stress lack of firmness and steadiness: an overweight body, pudgy and ~.  pudgy肥胖的                                                                                                胖墩墩的难看的     旧版新四第11课讲了英国艾尔弗瑞德大帝Alfred the Great假装民谣艺人刺探丹麦军情的故事,其中有一句he noticed at once that discipline was slack他很快注意到敌军纪律松弛

lax: stresses lack of steadiness, firmness, and tone or, in respect to immaterial things, may stress lack of needed or proper steadiness and firmness: a ~ administration.   tone说话的语气语调;乐器的音色音调;颜色的明暗色调;人的结实强健  (steady,firm形容非物质时不是结实坚硬,应该是严格或紧张的意思)

loose松的: 指没有通常的或之前的限制,连接不紧固,或质地宽松,relaxed放松的: 指失去一些紧张严格,表示减小而不是完全摆脱限制,slack松弛: 强调不坚硬不结实,还可形容纪律,lax松懈: 强调缺乏应有的必要的紧张严格

记忆方法: 1)首字母LRSL累死人了<==因为松弛       有句话说: 越坐越懒,越睡越瘫    

         2)松弛的意思是不紧mean not tightly bound, held, restrained, or stretched.   stretch拉伸